Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A fresh start

My name is Jo and I'm an aspiring minimalist. I will place heavy emphasis on aspiring for now. I have a long way to go but I know that God is drawing me away from things and directly to Him.  I place to much emphasis on stuff and not enough on Him. He is growing me and changing my heart and mind about. I'm thankful that I have a minimalist sister and friend like Vee.

It all began to take shape this last November when the UPS man would deliver box after box to my house in preparation for Christmas. I remember coming home one day and seeing about 12 boxes at my front door and I was overcome with guilt, anger, and sadness. I remember sitting down and just crying my eyes out. God wasn't pleased with me. I felt so much anxiety because I knew that I didn't need any more stuff. I knew that my family didn't need 12 boxes worth of stuff.  Deep down I knew that this stuff represented a false God. It was more of my need to please people and get approval for buying people stuff.  I can say that at that very moment God changed my heart.  Ever since that day I have been on a mission to give freely, buy less, and live a more simple life. In Christ!

In this journey I have learned that nothing but Christ will satisfy me. Nothing. So here I go. Here we go. This is our minimalist journey. 



  1. I just found your blog. I, too, have had a similar Christmas experience. Sad, isn't it! We gift these items we don't need to show our love and the only thing we really need has already been given. Christ's ultimate love. I look forward to reading about your journey.

  2. Just came across your blog and it sure speaks to me! I also want less stuff and more of Jesus in my life. Thanks for your blog!

  3. Wow! How great that you opened your eyes to see that more stuff was a false god to you. You are an encouragment!
